
How to Maintain Hotel Website Properly

How to maintain hotel website – Once you create your website, you have to make sure that you keep it updated. Website maintenance is one of the most important tasks. Now, you must be …

03 May 2018
2 Menit

How to Create Online Booking Website with WordPress

How to Create Online Booking Website with WordPress – Travelling is getting popular recently. It makes travel business turn out into one of profitable business around the world. Moreover, internet helps this business to …

25 Apr 2018
6 Menit

How to Effectively Build Trust on Your Real Estate Website to Increase Listing

Build trust on your Real Estate website – Trust is one of most valuable factor in building any business, no exception for property business. Especially in the era of the internet today. As we …

06 Apr 2018
3 Menit


Do You Get Confused in Selecting WordPress Web Developer Theme? Consider the Following Things

Selecting WordPress web developer theme – Generally, the beginners get confused on selecting WordPress web developer theme. The confusion happens due to a wide variety of free or paid theme choices. Every theme has …

16 Oct 2017
2 Menit

The Way to Prevent Spam from WordPress Blog

Prevent spam from WordPress – Would you need to disable trackbacks and pings in your old CMS WordPress articles? Trackbacks and pingbacks make it possible for sites to inform each other that they’ve connected …

23 Aug 2017
2 Menit

How to Install Self Hosted WordPress

Install Self Hosted WordPress – WordPress Self Hosting is a free CMS that is used to create a Website Blog easily. WordPress self hosting can be downloaded at To use WordPress Self Hosting …

14 Jun 2017
< 1 Menit


How to Make Reaction Button on WordPress

Make reaction button on WordPress – For bloggers to rate a reacted content on the sites other than by utilizing the comments features postings, can also utilize Emoticons reactions in response to feedback from …

29 May 2017
< 1 Menit

How to Create and Display The Favicon Logo in WordPress

Favicon logo in WordPress – Favicon is an icon/logo that will appear in the browser tab when visitors access your website. By using a favicon then that your website has a unique trademark identity …

06 May 2017
2 Menit

How to Make Read More on WordPress Website

Make Read More on WordPress – Most Bloggers WordPress beginners have the look clean and interesting content is very important, one of them makes the feature “Read More” for each blog post. With the …

23 Apr 2017
2 Menit

Creating Sticky Widget in WordPress

Sticky Widget in WordPress –  Sticky Widget could be interpreted as something that would display the widget constantly. When you scroll the mouse up and down sticky widgets will follow. Sticky widgets are used …

05 Apr 2017
2 Menit
