Gutenberg Tutorial (Part 3): How to Create Header on WordPress

Nasikhun A. 26 Jul 2023 3 Menit 0


Once you’ve got the fundamentals of using the Gutenberg WordPress block editor, your next step is to delve into how to create header on WordPress using Gutenberg.

The website header is a crucial component situated at the topmost part of a web page. It remains static across all pages of the website, maintaining consistent branding and navigation.

In this beginner-friendly tutorial on crafting a basic website page, you will be guided on how to make a website header, as outlined below:


Step 1: Preparing to Create a Website Page

Before diving into the process of crafting a header using Gutenberg, there are essential preparatory steps to undertake, comprising both basic and advanced preparations.

a. Basic Preparation

The following are the fundamental preparations necessary before commencing the creation of a website page with the Gutenberg WordPress editor:

  1. Download the latest version of WordPress and install it on your localhost. You can use localhost such as WampServer, XAMPP, or LocalWP. We recommend you to use LocalWP.
    how to create header on WordPress
  2. Utilize the WordPress theme Twenty Twenty-Three, which comes pre-installed in WordPress version 6.2.
    how to create header on WordPress
  3. Download, install, and activate the Gutentor and FakerPress plugins. If you need guidance on installing WordPress plugins, a detailed guide is available to assist you.


b. Advanced Preparation: Generating FakerPress

FakerPress is a valuable tool for effortlessly creating dummy blog posts for testing purposes, with the added advantage of easy cleanup. Here’s how to generate FakerPress:

  1. Navigate to Posts > Enter a desired value between 1 and 10 in the Quantity to create header on WordPress
  2. Scroll down and click on Generate.
    how to create header on WordPress
  3. The dummy posts will now appear in the Posts section.

Once you’ve completed the necessary preparations, you can proceed with creating the header.

Step 2: Crafting the Header

The header is an integral part of a website page positioned at the top, typically containing a logo and navigation menu. Follow these steps to create a header using the Gutenberg editor in WordPress:

  1. Click on the Appearance menu in the left sidebar > select the Editor option.
    how to create header
  2. Choose Template Parts > click on Header > click on the Edit icon.
    how to create header
  3. Click [+] to add block features.
    how to create header
  4. Type columns in the search box > choose the Columns block > select the Two columns equal split option.
    how to create header
  5. In the left column, click [+] > type site logo > select Site Logo to add the logo to the website.
    how to create header
  6. Click Upload logo. To match this tutorial, you can download the logo provided here or you can use your own.
    how to create header
  7. On the right-hand column, click [+] > type navigation in the search box > click Navigation.
    how to create header
  8. Align it to the right by selecting Justify items right.
    how to create header

The final result will be a complete header with the logo and navigation menu as shown bellow:

how to create header


Step 3: Customizing the Header

Moving on, you’ll need to make basic adjustments to the header you created, which involve combining the right and left columns of the header and resizing it.

When performing the following editing steps, ensure that the header column containing the logo and navigation is either clicked on or in a selected state. Once done, here’s how to customize it:

  1. Click on List view > click the three dots on the topmost Columns > select Group to merge the right and left columns.
    how to create header with gutenberg editor
  2. Click Settings on the right > in the WIDE section, enter a value of 1200 > then click Save.
    how to create header with gutenberg editor
  3. Done! The logo and navigation columns have now been merged into one, and the size has been adjusted accordingly.


Step 4: Adding and Removing Navigation

The next stage is to learn how to add and delete navigation menus after you’ve finished customizing. This is crucial in case you need to add any missing menus or get rid of any that aren’t being used.


a. Adding Navigation

Here’s a guide on how to add a navigation menu to the header:

  1. Click on the Navigation column.
    how to create custom header with gutenberg editor
  2. In the Settings section, click on [+] to add Navigation.
  3. Choose Page link.
    how to create custom header with gutenberg editor
  4. Select the desired page to include in the navigation.
    how to create custom header with gutenberg editor
  5. Click on the created Navigation.
    how to create custom header with gutenberg editor
  6. Enter the navigation’s Label and URL, then click on Save.
    how to create custom header with gutenberg editor

b. Deleting Navigation

Here’s how to remove a navigation menu from the Header:

  1. Click on the Three Dots for the navigation menu you wish to delete.
    how to create header
  2. Choose the Remove option.
  3. Click on Save, and you’re done. The navigation menu has been successfully removed.

Ready to Create Header using Gutenberg?

That sums up the tutorial on how to create header using the Gutenberg WordPress editor. In this initial stage of page creation, we focused on designing the header.

In the next stage, you will proceed to create the footer for your website. However, building a website with Gutenberg may take time, especially if you desire a site with complex features similar to Hipwee and Astra International.

You may rely on Tonjoo Team, a reputable software company with experience building websites for start-ups and the government, to assist with sophisticated website creation. Please contact us if you want to discuss anything more!

Read related articles about WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins, and other website development topics by Moch. Nasikhun Amin on the Tonjoo Studio blog.

Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Kevin_Tonjoo

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Nasikhun A.
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Nasikhun A.

Moch. Nasikhun Amin is a technical writer who is interested in the marriage between creativity and technology.


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