W3 Total Cache Purge All Post Plugin

todiadiyatmo 27 Okt 2013 < 1 Menit 1


W3Total Cache Page caching mechanism is somewhat very confusing. Which page to purge ? does the archive need to purge to? how about the widget?

We know that W3 Total Cache already have mechanism to purge archive page with similiar tag / category (post term purge). However this is not sufficient.

Consider this scenario :

Web sitemap :

  • Home
    • category/category_1
    • post_type_2
    • pages_x (contain post_type_2 with custom WP_Query )

With normal W3 Total cache if you publish post with post_type_2 and category 1 the /pages_x will not purge !

Our solution is to purge all the page cache during a post is marked publish.

When all page is purged ?

  1. There is new post marked as publish (updated or new post)
  2. Post move to trash

Setting Recomendation

  1. Do not prime/preload page cache , this will slow your site
  2. Use disqus/livefrye for your comment, it will reduce page cache problem


Please use wordpress support forum at forum.tonjoostudio.com

Download it here W3 Total Cache Purge All Post Plugin



  1. Grap the plugin from from wordpress plugin directory or Upload w3-total-cache-purge-all-post folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate W3 Total Cache Plugin, DISABLE ‘Prime post cache on publish’ on page cache option. It will kill your performace
  3. Activate the plugin

Frequently Asked Questions

Its slow my website !!

If you don’t like it just turn it off, it’s experimental anyway


Last Updated on Juli 10, 2014 by Haris

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