Easy Custom Auto Excerpt – Version 1.0.0 Released

todiadiyatmo 03 Agu 2013 < 1 Menit 2


Finally after 4 month of development and testing, we’re pleased to announce the update of our easy custom auto excerpt plugin.

With the new version you will be able to show image on the excerpt. And also the excerpt now doesn’t break on word, so your blog will look nicer 🙂

Here the update list :

  • Add option to keep / preserve the image
  • Excerpt now preserve word
  • Tested on WP 3.6 !

Download for free here

Hope you like it !

Last Updated on Mei 25, 2014 by todiadiyatmo

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engineer | keyboard warrior | founder @tonjoostudio


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  • Wim says:

    Oktober 5, 2013 at 21:00

    I’m very pleased about the ECAE. Good job !Can it be fixed that if the ECAE don’t mention “read more” if the text doesn’t have to be excerpted, because it’s to small ?

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