Plugin Ongkos Kirim


Plugin Ongkos Kirim is a WooCommerce extension that functions to calculate shipping costs throughout Indonesia (JNE, POS, Tiki, J&T, etc.). By using this plugin, you don’t need to enter shipping data manually, because the plugin has been integrated with data from all expedition services in real-time. Simply activate the plugin, input the license key, and your products is ready to ship throughout Indonesia.

We highly recommend you to try the Trial version first (FREE) before purchasing this plugin!


How it Works


Real-Time Shipping Costs Across Indonesia

Plugin Ongkos Kirim uses our own premium data / API so that it can provide real-time and up to date shipping calculations throughout Indonesia.

District Level Calculation

Plugin Ongkos Kirim supports calculating shipping costs up to the district level, so your customers will always get accurate shipping costs to their destination.

Supports Up to 27 Expedition Services

Plugin Ongkos Kirim supports many expedition services as an option. The expedition services used include: JNE, Tiki, POS Indonesia, etc.. and support multi-shipments on the checkout page, so that buyers can sort out which expedition services they want to use with price comparisons. And the calculation of shipping costs is automatically adjusted to each expedition service.

Fully Integrate with WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce plugin on WordPress, and Plugin Ongkos Kirim integrates fully with the WooCommere system. You don’t even need to do any configuration for the integration. Just install it and Plugin Ongkos Kirim is ready to use.

Easy to Install & Use

Installing and using Plugin Ongkos Kirim is as easy as a few clicks.

Multi Language

Plugin Ongkos Kirim uses multiple languages, namely Indonesian and English, for your flexibility and convenience.

Professional Technical Support

Our professional support team is ready to help you if you have any difficulties in using Plugin Ongkos Kirim. Use our support forum to solve your problems. Premium buyers will get priority support on the forum

Money Back Guarantee

We believe we have created the best product to meet your needs. But if the plugin is broken/incompatible with your theme, we provide a 100% money back guarantee within 7 days. (Terms and conditions apply)

Try Plugin Ongkos Kirim


Admin Access:
Username coba
Password 123456

License Comparison

Usage Trial Personal Multi Developer
Use the product in multiple sites
Websites 1 Site 1 Site 5 Site 25 Site
Product update * 7 Days 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year
Price Free $ 20 $ 35 $ 100
Buy Buy Buy Buy

*) The license duration starts from the date of purchase, not the date of activation.

Awesome Support

Priority Support

If you have any difficulties in using the plugin, please ask the support forum. Our support team will be happy to help you.

Go to Forum


*Ekstension ini membutuhkan plugin WooCommerce untuk ter-install lebih dulu.

  1. Beli lisensi yang anda butuhkan (Personal / Developer)
  2. Download plugin dari halaman akun
  3. Upload file via wp-admin > Plugins > Add New
  4. Aktifasi via wp-admin > Plugin.
  5. Selesai.


 “Apakah Plugin Ongkos Kirim memiliki API sendiri?”

Iya. Kami sudah mengembangkan API Premium kami sendiri, sehingga Anda tidak perlu lagi membeli API pihak ke-3

“Apakah harga ongkos kirim setiap jasa ekspedisi akan otomatis ter-update setiap kali ada perubahan harga?”

Iya. Jika API yang digunakan di Plugin Ongkos Kirim adalah API dari, yang selalu ter-update dengan harga ongkos kirim terbaru. Untuk API bawaan akan ada waktu untuk sinkronisasi data.

 “Apakah Plugin Ongkos Kirim sudah bisa menghitung ongkos kirim keluar negri?”

Iya, Plugin Ongkos Kirim mendukung perhitungan ongkos kirim hingga keluar negeri.

 “Apakah Plugin Ongkos Kirim sudah mendukung dropshipping/multi-kota?”

Iya, Plugin Ongkos Kirim mendukung dropshipping/reseller dengan multiple store location

“Apakah sudah mendukung pengiriman internasional?”

Iya, menggunakan flat shipping method

“Kalkulasi Plugin Ongkos Kirim tidak berfungsi di halaman cart?”

Perhitungan Plugin Ongkos Kirim hanya berfungsi pada halaman Checkout. Masuk ke wp-admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping, lalu hapus centang/untick bagian “Shipping Calculation : Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page”.

“Loading kota sangat lama? Bahkan tidak respon?”

Ada beberapa kemungkinan penyebab hal ini bisa terjadi. Berikut saya jelaskan satu-per-satu :

1. Plugin Ongkos Kirim masih mengambil cache dari database. Plugin Ongkos Kirim mempunyai fitur Transient Request Interval. Dimana Plugin Ongkos Kirim akan men-download data rajaongkir untuk pertama kali, dan menyimpan nya sebagai local cache. Karena jumlah data yang sangat besar, maka ini akan membutuhkan waktu. Terutama jika koneksi internet anda lambat. Untuk lebih detil bisa melihat manual :

2. Theme yang tidak kompitable. Beberapa theme (terutama theme lama) kadang memiliki masalah jQuery dengan woocommerce/Plugin Ongkos Kirim versi terbaru. Cara mudah untuk melakukan debugging nya adalah, dengan mencoba meng-aktifkan theme default WordPress, untuk melihat dimana letak permasalahan nya.

3. Plugin Ongkos Kirim yang tidak kompitable. Beberaapa plugin mungkin saja tidak kompitable dengan Plugin Ongkos Kirim, tetapi sejauh ini kami belum menemukan konflik dengan plugin lain. Jika anda menemukan plugin yang konflik dengan Plugin Ongkos Kirim, silahkan melaporkan nya via forum support.

“Mengapa saat konsumen memasukan kota XYZ, harga ongkir tidak muncul, tetapi malah muncul pesan “Data tak tersedia” ?”

Pesan tersebut muncul dikarenakan jasa ekspedisi yang anda gunakan belum menyediakan pengiriman ke kota tujuan tersebut. Coba gunakan jasa ekspedisi lain yang memiliki jangkauan lebih luas.

 “Kenapa kecamatan tidak muncul di invoice?”

Untuk saat ini memang seperti itu. Woo ongkir hanya meng-handle kalkulasi ongkos kirim. Semua proses checkout adalah tugas nya woo commerce. Tetapi sudah kita pertimbangkan untuk development kedepan nya.

“Saya tetap ingin menggunakan Rajaongkir API. Apa itu Rajaongkir API Key?”

Jika Anda lebih memilih menggunakan API Rajaongkir, Anda bisa memilihnya pada bagian options Plugin Ongkos Kirim. Berbicara hal teknis, Rajaongkir API adalah API (Antarmuka aplikasi) yang digunakan Plugin Ongkos Kirim untuk berkomunikasi dengan database Rajaongkir secara dua arah. Data ini digunakan untuk menampilkan kota seluruh Indonesia, beserta harga ongkos kirim setiap jasa ekspedisi yang digunakan.

“Apakah Plugin Ongkos Kirim men-support pengiriman hingga level kecamatan?”

Iya, Plugin Ongkos Kirim sangat men-support perhitungan ongkos kirim hingga kecamatan.


“Apakah Plugin Ongkos Kirim mempunyai fitur “angka unik” dalam setiap transaksi?”

Yap, Plugin Ongkos Kirim mendukung fitur unique number untuk setiap transaksi. Nomor unik akan di generate secara random pada halaman checkout untuk memudahkan owner/anda membedakan setiap pembeli berdasarkan transaksi/no unik mereka.


“Bagaimana kebijakan refund Plugin Ongkos Kirim, jika suatu hal yang tidak di inginkan terjadi?”

Pembelian Plugin Ongkos Kirim Anda akan kami refund 100% jika memenuhi salah satu atau lebih, dari poin-poin berikut ini :

1. Plugin tidak berfungsi (Broken)

2. Plugin tidak kompitable dengan theme anda

3. Plugin tidak berfungsi seperti yang dijelaskan di deskripsi

4. Pembelian tidak lebih dari 7 hari (Setelah memenuhi salah satu atau lebih dari poin-poin diatas)

Selain ke-4 poin tersebut, permintaan refund anda tidak akan kami proses 🙂

Sebelum meminta refund, sangat penting sekali untuk anda membuka thread support terlebih dahulu di forum support kami.

Lebih jelas tentang kebijakan refund Tonjoo Studio : Refund Policy

“UPRADE. Saya ingin upgrade lisensi dari personal ke multi/developer. Bagaimana caranya?”

Upgrade lisensi sangat mudah sekali. Silahkan hubungin sebelum melakukan upgrade. Kami akan melakukan pengecekan terhadap account anda. Setelah itu, anda bisa melakukan upgrade dengan membayar selisih nya saja. Nanti account anda akan kami upgrade ke lisensi sesuai yang anda beli.

“Plugin tidak berfungsi!”

Jika anda mengalami masalah teknis pada plugin Plugin Ongkos Kirim, silahkan bertanya di Forum Tonjoo Studio. Tim support kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda 🙂

  • Version 3.10.1 July 9, 2024

    • Update: Shipping report now supports HPOS
    • Update: Expedito and Pos service names on Rajaongkir API
    • Fix: Remove several PHP warnings
  • Version 3.10.0 June 29, 2024

    • New: Add compatibility with WooCommerce's HPOS
    • Update: Add courier filter support on Rajaongkir
    • Fix: PHP warning on installation wizard
    • Fix: Error on edit order in admin side
  • Version 3.9.0 December 11, 2023

    • New: ID Express is now available on Tonjoo API
    • New: A function to revert block-based checkout page with classic checkout with single click
    • Update: Define incompatibility with WooCoomerce blocks
    • Update: Pos services is now updated
    • Update: Bosspack is added to Lion Parcel service list
    • Update: Updated Pos Indonesia logo
    • Update: Add compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Version 3.8.13 October 12, 2023

    • Fix: Some Martapura (Banjar) districts was missin g from address options
  • Version 3.8.12 September 25, 2023

    • Fix: Custom costs not working when using simple address field
    • Fix: Error on post editor (which using Gutenberg) after update 3.8.10
  • Version 3.8.11 September 19, 2023

    • Fix: Billing city required alert when using simple address field
  • Version 3.8.10 August 3, 2023

    • New: Option to disable address fields on virtual products
  • Version 3.8.9 July 6, 2023

    • Update: Implements newest license manager
    • Fix: Pos costs somehow shows Rp. 0
    • Fix: Makes insurance checkbox as not required field
  • Version 3.8.8 December 19, 2022

    • Update: Add AnterAja Cargo service on API Tonjoo
    • Fix: Got "Shipping district required" error message on checkout when using simple address field
  • Version 3.8.7 July 14, 2022

    • New: NCS now available on API Tonjoo
    • Update: Reenable Filter Courier Services and Custom Service Name on API Rajaongkir
    • Update: Add JTL for API Rajaongkir
    • Fix: Miscalculate on Wahana PopBox
  • Version 3.8.6 May 18, 2022

    • Update: Add several new origin cities (API Tonjoo)
    • Update: Updated service names (API Tonjoo)
    • Update: Remove JET Express from courier option (API Rajaongkir)
    • Update: Remove Show Long Service Name feature, use Custom Service Name instead
    • Update: Filter Courier Services and Custom Service Name now only available on API Tonjoo
    • Fix: State and City still required when Simple Address field activated
    • Fix: Scripts not loaded on checkout page
  • Version 3.8.5 February 18, 2022

    • Fix: License manager error
  • Version 3.8.4 January 28, 2022

    • Fix: Somehow shipping are not saved during checkout when using simple address
  • Version 3.8.3 January 26, 2022

    • Fix: Make sure plugin runs on multisite
  • Version 3.8.2 January 14, 2022

    • Fix: Making sure default checkout fields classes are included on custom field
  • Version 3.8.1 January 3, 2022

    • Fix: Checkout bugs from last update
    • Update: Updated license manager
  • Version 3.8.0 December 30, 2021

    • Update: Updated checkout fields for smoother transition from Indonesia to international destination and vice versa
    • Update: Updated Rajaongkir services
  • Version 3.7.5 November 19, 2021

    • Fix: Can not connect Tonjoo's API from several web server
    • Fix: Plugin Ongkos Kirim triggers error on order detail
    • Fix: Some minor changes
  • Version 3.7.4 October 14, 2021

    • Update: Updated Rajaongkir couriers
  • Version 3.7.3 September 27, 2021

    • New: Add AnterAja courier
    • Update: Updated J&T services
  • Version 3.7.2 September 2, 2021

    • Fix: Plugin Ongkos Kirim triggers error on admin screen in some cases
  • Version 3.7.1 August 27, 2021

    • Update: Add Sicepat GOKIL service
    • Fix: Can not set Store Address country
  • Version 3.7.0 July 12, 2021

    • New: Option to show/hide cargo services when minimum weight is not reached
    • New: Add Atlas Express to courier options
    • Update: Add BIGPACK service on Lion Parcel and updated tariffs
    • Fix: WooCommerce Shipping Zone rate is removed from the result
    • Fix: Province field are disabled on my account page when user is not set the address yet
  • Version 3.6.1 February 11, 2021

    • Fix: Override default location to Indonesia causing checkout field not refreshed when switching country
  • Version 3.6.0 January 22, 2021

    • New: Override default location to Indonesia on checkout page
    • Update: New insurance option for Sicepat and Lion
    • Fix: Country setting dropdown not looking good
    • Fix: Shipping weight round with tolerance 200gram for product with 2.2kg weight
    • Fix: Unit time of POS Q9 courier
    • Fix: Select2 AJAX often to not displays 'Searching...' text
    • Fix: Translation files not loaded properly
  • Version 3.5.0 September 30, 2020

    • New: Redesigned admin setting page
    • Update: Updated POS tariffs
    • Update: Removes deprecated services from Service Filter options
    • Fix: Switching country on checkout sometimes trigger an alert
    • Fix: IP debugger returns wrong IP
  • Version 3.4.2 September 14, 2020

    • Fix: Shipping coupons not working with multiple destinations restriction
    • Fix: Activating service filter causing Lion Parcel not showing on checkout
  • Version 3.4.1 July 14, 2020

    • Fix: Bug shipping cost markup with specific services applied on all services with API Rajaongkir
    • Fix: Bug auto fill address and style not loaded on Shipping Calculator with simple address field active
    • Fix: Bug missing image on Shipping Calculator if custom costs presents
    • Fix: Bug can not activate and get latest rate from CurrencyLayer API
    • Fix: Bug shipping coupons with weight restriction not working properly
  • Version 3.4.0 July 3, 2020

    • New: Option to using simple address field on checkout
    • Update: Updated services for Sicepat & Wahana
    • Update: Update compatibility with WooCommerce 4
    • Fix: Tiki TRC calculation
    • Fix: Caching not working properly
    • Fix: Destination restriction on coupons not working properly
    • Fix: Google Maps URL on order table
    • Fix: Shipping Calculator shortcode
  • Version 3.3.7 February 24, 2020

    • Update: Update debugger
  • Version 3.3.6 February 12, 2020

    • Update: Update license manager
    • Update: Compatibility with PHP 7.4
  • Version 3.3.5 November 11, 2019

    • New: Sicepat now available on Tonjoo API
    • New: Lion Parcel now available on Tonjoo API
    • Update: Shipping Cost Checker on admin and Shipping Calculator now showing custom shipping cost
    • Minor bug fixes
  • Version 3.3.4 September 13, 2019

    • Update: Custom shipping costs now support weight limitation
    • Fix: Shipping calculator shortcode not working
    • Fix: Load customer address on order admin
  • Version 3.3.3 August 30, 2019

    • Fix: Auto-fill address bug on checkout page
  • Version 3.3.2 August 9, 2019

    • New: Wahana now available on Tonjoo API
    • New: Custom service name
    • Update: Reworked admin shipping cost checker
    • Update: Add REX into Rajaongkir API
    • Fix: License deactivated when accessing debugger tab
    • Fix: Auto fill address does not working
    • Fix: Formatted etd time
  • Version 3.3.1 July 3, 2019

    • New: Option to show shipping estimation on checkout page
    • Update: Add multiple destination on shipping restriction when create coupons
    • Update: Prevent checkout fields customization conflict with other plugins
    • Update: New license manager
    • Fix: Add insurance checkbox on checkout page not displayed correctly
    • Fix: Can not set license and shipping origin via wizard
  • Version 3.3.0 March 22, 2019

    • New: Shipping Estimation tab on the product page
    • New: Service filter feature now available for Rajaongkir base API
    • New: Add option on insurance to let user decide to add insurance or not
    • New: Unique number now support fraction
    • Update: Enable service filter when adding shipping cost markup on Rajaongkir base API
    • Update: Enable service filter when create shipping discount coupon on Rajaongkir base API
    • Update: Enable option to show long service name on checkout page when using Rajaongkir API
    • Update: Improved auto-filling address feature
    • Update: Improved API switcher, re-set store location is not needed when changing Base API
    • Update: Improved customization ability for third-party through hooks
    • Fix: Total shipping weight not showing correctly when using Rajaongkir as base API
    • Fix: Costs not showing when using Rajaongkir & volumetric calculation
  • Version 3.2.4 December 31, 2018

    • Fix: Remove Additional Shipping Cost functionality, the feature has been replaced with Shipping Cost Markup from previous update
  • Version 3.2.3 December 31, 2018

    • Update: Replace Additional Shipping Cost with Shipping Cost Markup with ability to set markup to courier/service separately
    • Update: Enable shipping weight roundup feature on API Rajaongkir
    • Update: Update some texts
  • Version 3.2.2 November 16, 2018

    • Fix: Courier filter on the report page doesn't working
  • Version 3.2.1 November 12, 2018

    • Fix: Auto fill on checkout does not working
    • Fix: City and District fields not loaded when create order via admin
    • Fix: Shipping discount amount is hot hiding when the coupon type is free shipping
  • Version 3.2.0 November 8, 2018

    • New: Admin can create coupon that will give customers shipping discounts
    • Update: New option to make insurance and timber packing as separated fee
    • Update: Add Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, and IDL Cargo to courier options (if using API Rajaongkir)
    • Update: Remove Cahaya Logistik, Indah Cargo, and NSS Express from courier options (if using API Rajaongkir)
    • Fix: Cities and Districts can not be loaded when editing order via admin
    • Fix: Courier tabs on shipping report different with the setting
    • Fix: Improved prevention to get Unsupported operand types error when edit user via admin
  • Version 3.1.0 September 14, 2018

    • New: Admin report to recap all shipping on given date range
    • New: Debugger option
    • Fix: Wrong province IDs on the edit user page
    • Fix: Popup alert shown up when editing order on the admin and the address is not Indonesia
    • Fix: Prevent Unsupported operand types error
    • Fix: The service filter devoted to Tonjoo still affect the results even though selected API is Rajaongkir
    • Update: Improved error logging
  • Version 3.0.4 July 13, 2018

    • Fix: District name is empty on order detail
    • Fix: Checkout field is not showing properly when WooCommerce is set specific to sell only to Indonesia
    • Fix: Checkout fields sometimes not trigger change
    • Fix: Additional random number never changed
    • Update: Updated license form to support addons
  • Version 3.0.3 July 6, 2018

    • New: Option to show shipping origin on checkout page
    • Update: If show shipping weight option is on, the checkout page now will show the actual weight, not the rounded one
    • Update: Order data will store the name of province/city/district instead of the id, the id will still be stored with different meta. This will prevent the numbers (ids) showing on other 3rd party plugins
    • Update: Since API Tonjoo using local data, we not using cache again to storing cities data. Cache will still used if Rajaongkir API was used
    • Update: Enable all countries as shipping destination in Rajaongkir API. Previously this was limited to some countries
    • Fix: International shipping cost with Rajaongkir API not being converted to Rupiah
    • Fix: Error on order detail when using older WC version
  • Version 3.0.2 June 28, 2018

    • New: Setting wizard when plugin activated
    • Multi-currency support: Fixer, CurrencyLayer, WPML Multi-currency, Static conversion
    • Fix province options not showing correctly on custom shipping cost page
    • Fix edit address via admin
    • Fix change courier when edit order to support multi vendor
    • Fix file permission problem when reading cities data
    • Prevent fatal error "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘.’, expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’" when activating plugin
  • Version 3.0.1 June 1, 2018

    • Compatible with WooCommerce 3.4
    • Cities data now available as local data
    • Add or Edit shipping method when edit order via admin
    • Fix J&T services not available on service filter
    • Fix error on checkout page after upgrade plugin
    • Fix international cost not showing service name
    • Searchable city & district select field
    • Update license checker
    • Compatibility with Custom Price Rules plugin
  • Version 3.0.0 May 22, 2018

    • Revamped setting page
    • Add J&T for Tonjoo API
    • Add JNE Trucking service
    • New option to use volumetric calculation
    • New option to add insurance fee
    • New option to add timber packing fee
    • New shipping cost checker for admin
    • Optimized costs loading speed
    • Simplified address on order detail or email
    • Prevent shipping costs displayed on cart page
    • Fix checkout fields sorted incorrectly
    • Updated caching option
    • Updated license checker & plugin updater
  • Version 2.1.3

    • Fix bug on checkout fields when country is not indonesia.
    • Custom shipping costs limitation
    • Minor tweak
  • Version 2.1.2

    • Fix bug district field missing from checkout page.
    • Tested on PHP 7
    • Minor tweak
  • Version 2.1.1

    • Remove error warning on PHP 7 or above, but still not full support.
  • Version 2.1.0

    • Fixed checkout fields being locked by plugin.
    • Fixed customer's shipping address not displayed properly on email.
    • Update license checker
    • Minor tweak
  • Version 2.0.10

    • Fixed checkout fields order on Woocommerce 3.x
    • Fixed shipping city sometimes not displayed on order details.
    • Prevent "Illegal string offset" errors on checkout page
    • Adding default field priority to order checkout fields, including filter hook.
  • Version 2.0.9

    • Major bugfix: Shipping weight not counted properly.
  • Version 2.0.8

    • Support Woocommerce 3.0
    • Bugfix: Custom costs not displayed when courier filter is active
    • Minor bugfix
  • Version 2.0.7

    • Add NCS & First Logistics (rajaongkir)
    • New option to show long description on courier services (rajaongkir)
    • New option to reset configuration
    • Improve checkout AJAX actions
    • Bugfix: store location is empty
    • Bugfix: checkout with international destination not working properly
    • Other minor bugfix
  • Version 2.0.6

    • Auto-filled checkout fields for returning user (can be enabled/disabled via admin)
    • Fix addresses not displaying properly on My Account page
    • Ability to edit addresses via My Account (including district)
    • Fix JNE costs sometimes not displayed
    • Set rule for Paketpos Biasa
    • Fix POS costs calculation
    • Minor Bug Fix
  • Version 2.0.5

    • Fix licensing issue
  • Version 2.0.4

    • Add handling for license get status from server
    • Fixing some PHP 7 notices
    • Minor bug fix
  • Version 2.0.3

    • Add ongkir detail address on customer invoice
  • Version 2.0.2

    • Fix error "Can't use function return value in write context"
  • Version 2.0.1

    • Fix bug perhitungan ongkir dengan satuan berat selain kg
    • Minor bug fix
  • Version 2.0.0

    • Rebuild plugin from scratch
    • Perbaikan sistem pengecekan lisensi
    • Mendukung semua jasa pengiriman yang disediakan oleh API RajaOngkir. Daftar jasa pengiriman yang didukung dapat dicek di
    • Fitur ongkos kirim internasional (khusus RajaOngkir Pro)
    • Fitur pembulatan berat pengiriman
    • Peningkatan performa dengan sistem cache
    • Fitur Flush Cache
    • Fitur pengurangan ongkos kirim (Mark Down Fee)
    • Penyempurnaan translasi Bahasa Indonesia
    • Penyederhanaan & pembaruan halaman settings
    • Update loading data pada halaman checkout
    • Fix bug "District Required" pada pengiriman internasional
  • Version 1.0.0

    • Initial release
plugin ongkos kirim

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