Easy Custom Auto Excerpt


Easy Custom Auto Excerpt is a WordPress plugin to cut/excerpt your post displayed on the home, search or archive pages. By using this plugin you don’t need to excerpt your post manualy; just activate the plugin, configure the word length and you’re good to go.. You can also change the image thumbnail position for the generated excerpt.


*Subtitle/CC’s added

How it Works/ How does it work?



Automatic Excerpt

ECAE will seamlessly excerpt your post with a neat result. This plugin comes with many parameters that you can tweak, such as word length and excerpt methods (by word or by sentence).


Customize Read More Button

You can customize the Read More button text as you like. It can be plain text or a button.


Image and Shortcode Preserved

Any image and shortcode on the excerpt will be preserved, saving you a lot of time from a manual excerpt. You can also set a featured image based on the first image on the post.


Premium Features

Fine Tuning Read More

With the Premium version, you can change the text size and typeface, and also unlock some awesome features like excerpt method and image attributes. The Premium version also comes with 40+ predefined theme buttons that you can choose from..

Disable Excerpt on Post

Some posts need excerpt, and some others don’t. The premium version allows you to disable excerpt on a certain post.

Profesional Support

Use our support forum to solve your problem if you ever used the plugin. Premium buyer will get priority support on the forum.

Money Back Guarantee

We believe that we have crafted the best available tools for your needs. But if the plugin is broken/not compitable with your theme, within 7 days of your purchase you can get 100% refund of your money (Term and condition applied)


Do you want to get all of the benefits of ECAE?


Try ECAE right now !


License Comparison

Usage Personal Multi Developer Master
Use the product in multiple sites
Websites 1 Site 5 Site 25 Site Unlimited
Product update * 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year
Price $ 10 $ 15 $ 25 $ 40
Buy Buy Buy Buy

*) The license duration starts from the date of purchase, not the date of activation.

Awesome Support

Priority Support

If you have any trouble with our problem, feel free to discuss it on the support forum

Go to Forum


  1. Buy the license you need ( Personal / Developer )
  2. Download the plugin from your account
  3. Unzip the zip file. It will be extracted into two files : easy-custom-auto-excerpt.zip and easy-custom-auto-excerpt-premium.zip
  4. Upload and install easy-custom-auto-excerpt.zip followed by easy-custom-auto-excerpt-premium.zip
  5. Premium Easy Custom Auto Excerpt option feature will appears in Settings -> Excerpt
  • Version 1.5.1 July 6, 2023

    • Update: New license manager
  • Version 1.5.0 February 12, 2020

    • Update: Update license manager

License Information

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