How to Choose Real Estate WordPress Theme

Agep 23 Apr 2018 2 Menit 0


Choose real estate WordPress theme – Choosing a theme for your real estate website is a difficult task. Theme developers always say that their theme is the best. As a user, you need to be picky because your theme represent your business.

The available themes out there offer many features that sometimes you don’t need. We can not blame theme because they serve many users with many needs. So, we have to be smart when choosing a real estate theme. These are some mistakes that you can avoid when purchasing real estate theme.


How to Choose Real Estate WordPress Theme

If you have already installed WordPress on localhost and want to make the WordPress for real estate business, you need to learn how to choose real estate WordPress theme.

1. Incompatible Features

Real estate themes are sometimes built to work with a specific plugin. You may fall in love with how the search works or how properties are displayed; however, it can be very disappointing to find out that your ideal layout will only work with a specific plugin.

It is okay if those plugins are free, but it is very annoying when you need to purchase some paid plugins. That is the first consideration on how to choose real estate WordPress theme.


2. Avoid Bloat

The theme should not be bloated with features that you don’t need. Make sure you only buy what you need to sell your property and not slow down your own site. This is the second tips on how to choose real estate WordPress theme.

The more plugins and unnecessary features installed, the slower your site will become. Make sure to get a theme which has the features that you really need but is still thin enough to run efficiently.

3. Low standard looks

The third tip on how to choose real estate WordPress theme is looking at the standard. Sometimes the theme looks so pretty on demo but fail when it is installed. The theme may be set up in the demo with specific tweaks to work, but later it might fail with additional plugins or configurations once installed on your website.

Almost anyone can build a theme that works in a specific environment, but make sure that the theme developer is highly rated and has experience to create a theme. It will avoid you from buying the low standard theme.


There are a great amount of real estate themes available online. However, you need to know what to look for. Agent Evolution has created their own framework that is real estate specific. We don’t provide themes for restaurants or fitness clubs.

Our specificity prevents bloat and allows us to focus on doing one thing and doing it correctly. Take a look at our demos and give our sales team a call now to get started on a real estate site that simply works.

View Demo

That is the explanation about how to choose real estate WordPress theme. Using WordPress, you can also create your own e-commerce website by installing WooCommerce and adding the best WooCommerce plugins.

However, if you want to focus on your business and not be burdened with website development, you can collaborate with the Tonjoo’s Team, specialists in website development with over 10 years of experience.

We have worked with governments, corporations, and startups. Some examples of our work include Hello Health Group, Unilever, and Futureskills. Contact us to collaborate!

strategies to boost sales on real estate website

Read related articles about WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins, and other website development topics by Moch. Nasikhun Amin on the Tonjoo Studio blog.


Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Kevin_Tonjoo

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