3 Important Things in Developing WordPress Theme


Developing WordPress theme is actually quite promising profession you can choose today. With the increase of WordPress user and many of them use it for business or making money, they will need good theme.

The theme must be able to represent their business and even give them good function in running their business. Now, if you want to try this stuff, there are few things that you need to do, so you can create good quality WordPress theme.


Developing WordPress Theme

Developing WordPress theme would be less challenging if you know these tips:

1. Good Design

developing wordpress theme

First, you can’t just create WordPress theme from html. But, you need to design, how your theme will looks like. Create sketch of the theme and frame of the whole theme.

For example, you need to determine where you want to place sidebars, color type, font, and header capability in adapting different content and many more.


2. Originality

developing wordpress theme

Next, you need to do WordPress theme development from scratch. That means you can’t take other theme, modify it and perfect it, then claim it to be yours.

You need to create it from scratch and use the design that you made previously as the base. And make sure, you keep on your originality. If you can, create it that different than mainstream trend to make it more interesting.

3. Build It

developing wordpress theme

Now, you just need to build it and sell it to other people that need it. Of course, if you want to success in this part, you need to know how to build a custom WordPress theme.

Fortunately, there are many reference and even class that you can enter. They are all available in the internet, so you can join this online class, which make everything easier.

Now, what you need to do after get the skill and successfully made one is promoting it. There are many portals you can use to do this. So, promote it, get client and sell it, then you will get money.

However, if you want to focus on your business and not be burdened with website development, you can collaborate with the Tonjoo’s Team, specialists in website development with over 10 years of experience.

We have worked with governments, corporations, and startups. Some examples of our work include Hello Health Group, Unilever, and Futureskills. Contact us to collaborate!

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Read related articles about WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins, and other website development topics by Moch. Nasikhun Amin on the Tonjoo Studio blog.


Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Kevin_Tonjoo

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